Stanley, ID – As the spring season unfolds, the Sawtooth Valley Wildland Fire Collaborative (SVWFC) prepares for wildfires within the Sawtooth National Recreation Area (SNRA). Residents and recreationists on the SNRA need to realize – when it comes to wildfires in the SNRA it is not a matter of IF, but WHEN. In light of the need to mitigate catastrophic fires and prepare for all fires, the SVWFC is hosting a pivotal pre-fire season meeting, aiming to equip the community with necessary knowledge and resources for wildfire preparedness.
Event Details:
- Date: May 23 & 24 Click HERE to register for the meeting
- Location: Stanley Community Center with local field trips
- Time: 10:00 am on Thursday, May 23rd and 9:00 am on Friday, May 24th
Wildfires pose a significant threat to homes and landscapes in wildland urban interfaces, and the SVWFC advises every resident to adopt FIREWISE protocols. This proactive approach minimizes wildfire risks to homes and communities within or near wildlands. The upcoming meeting will provide an opportunity to learn about protecting your home, executing a safe evacuation, and understanding fire mitigation and preparedness by the United States Forest Service (USFS).
This informative session will also cover:
- Essential FIREWISE practices to safeguard homes against wildfires.
- Information about local mitigation and planning efforts.
- Insights into the capabilities and strategies of public agencies and local fire departments in managing wildfires and the role of the private landowner or permit holder on the SNRA to protect their homes.
The SVWFC, in collaboration with local fire departments, USFS, IDL, and Counties are committed to enhancing the community’s resilience against wildfires. This meeting is a crucial opportunity for residents to gain valuable knowledge, ask questions, and become part of a collective effort to enhance wildfire mitigation and preparedness in the Sawtooth Valley.